Other sounds and vibrations
Dial pad tones / Keypad
When enabled, pressing the numbers on the dial pad within the Dialer / Phone app will play tones. For devices that do not have this setting, you should be able to turn this feature on or off within the settings inside the Dialer / Phone app.
Screen locking sounds
When enabled, sounds will play when the the screen is locked or unlocked.
This setting may not be available on all devices. This sound does not have a significant functional purpose other than to add optional sound effects.
Charging sounds
When this setting is enabled, a sound will play when you plug in your device to be charged, when it is removed from the charger, or when the device becomes fully charged.
Touch sounds
When enabled, various sounds will play as you interact with your device, such as selecting menu items and opening menus.
This can make it easier to tell if you have correct touched items, but may be unsuitable for use in quiet public environments.
Pull-to-refresh sounds
When this setting is enabled, sounds will play when you pull a list down to refresh the contents of the list, a gesture that is available throughout many apps.
This setting may not be available on all devices. The setting may make it easier to tell when you have correctly done the "pull-down-to-refresh" action, although this feedback may also be seen visually on the screen.
Vibrate on touch / Haptic feedback
Haptic feedback is a feature whereby interacting with some buttons on the screen will result in a subtle but noticeable "jolt" or "vibrate" by the phone. This is produced using the vibration feature of the phone.
This setting may not be available on all devices. On devices where it is not available, certain apps and actions may still result in haptic feedback depending on the sound mode and individual settings in apps.
The intention of haptic feedback is to act as tactile feedback that a button has been pressed, as a substitute for the sort of "click" feel that a physical button or key might have had, but touch screens do not have.
Haptic feedback, if enabled, usually only works on certain on-screen keys or buttons.
Haptic feedback can increase battery usage, and turning it off may improve battery life.