Lock screen settings
On some devices, the following settings will be under the Security menu item alongside the Security settings.
In this section:
Allows you to set up a password or secret that you must enter in order to use the device after its screen has been turned off.
Allows you to have the normal "swipe to unlock" lock screen in addition to the screen lock method. One will be shown after the other.
Allows you to set a short grace period after your phone screen goes to sleep during which you can wake up the phone without the need to unlock it.
Causes the power key to always instantly lock the phone, ignoring the Lock phone after or Lock automatically option.
When using the Pattern screen locking method, this setting determines whether the pattern you draw will be visible on the screen while you draw it.
Set up a restricted "child mode" for your phone, for allowing small children to more safely use the phone.
This feature, available only on some devices, enables vibration feedback on the lock screen.